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More than one Year of Corona: Eurohub expertly faces the new Normal

Pandemics are states of emergency – and we felt that too.

For more than a year, this state of emergency has become the new norm. And looking back, we are proud to say that the measures we implemented were successful: the number of infections that can be traced back to our Eurohub are low and we have successfully overcome the third wave.

It goes without saying for us to give our employees the best protection, so everyone can feel comfortable coming to work. That's why since the beginning of this pandemic, we invested a lot of money and spared neither trouble nor expense. The measures we implemented go significantly beyond the standards required by the Federal government.

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Photo: X21de Reiner Freese

In the past months, our Corona Task Force Team was a great support for all questions about the virus, our catalogue of measures, and the new behaviour rules. The team has been and still is the employees' competent and helpful point of contact working almost 24/7 – already since the very beginning of this pandemic.

But it is not just this special group where employees from all areas of our company have quickly assembled and established a competent team. Many of them cooperated with employees from all company areas to come up with concepts, compile certificates, and establish internal communication channels. Questions on working from home for office employees or how to redesign warehouse processes needed sound answers sooner rather than later. We're raising our hats to the fact that this worked so well, despite the difficult circumstances.

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Unser eigenes Testlabor hat sich bewährt. Hier können sich Mitarbeitende seit September 2020 freiwillig testen lassen. Seit April 2021 sogar 22 Stunden am Tag, so dass wir über 4500 Test in der Woche anbieten können. So können wir im Falle eines positiven Ergebnisses sofort alle Kontakte ermitteln, Quarantäneauflagen aussprechen und die entsprechenden Arbeitsplätze und angrenzenden Bereiche desinfizieren.

Auch im Bereich der Corona-Schutzimpfungen wollen wir als Arbeitgeber wieder Vorreiter sein und unsere Mitarbeitenden, sobald es uns möglich ist und dies gewünscht ist, durch unsere Betriebsärztin impfen lassen.

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