Umfrage Blog Diane
Trainee Blog

Employee Engagement Project with the HRD Team

As my second big project with Ingram as an intern, and as part of the HRD team, I was given a task of reading through and evaluating employees’ comments that were shared in the yearly ‘Employee Engagement Survey’ sent to all employees in Großbeeren.

The comments section is an important part of the final results because it gives employees the freedom to share what is on their minds by talking about what they like/dislike as well as what they would like to change/keep as transparently as possible and without the fear of being judged.

Since employee engagement is an interesting topic for me and one that is currently related to my studies, I was happy to take part in this project. Reading through all the comments and coming up with an interpretation gave me a practical feel to what I initially know as theoretical – mainly concerning the key drivers of employee engagement!

Knowing that I had a big responsibility in sharing my findings - by being the intermediary between the employees and the company - validated the importance of my task.

I am happy to have contributed to this project and I am also excited to see what comes out of it.

Until next time,


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